The 10% Peek by Andy
The 10% Peek by Andy

The 10% Peek by Andy

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An excerpt taken from the Jerx blog entry published on 19th October 2016 titled "The 10% Peek - Coming Soon to GLOMM Elites"
Quote: peek we tried scored the highest. I call that peek the 10% Peek because only 2 out of the 20 people we tried it on thought the deck was ever looked at during the course of the performance. (That's not to say they caught the peek, just that they believed the magician looked at the deck at some point.) Think of that from their perspective. They grab their own deck from their junk drawer, they shuffle it as much as they want, they peek a card and you're able to name it without ever even looking in the direction of the deck (apparently).

While I can't post the details of the peek here publicly, because it's not mine to give away, the person who funded the testing has agreed to let me write it up in an ebook and distribute it to GLOMM elite members.

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