OUTPUT 16 by Steve Reynolds
OUTPUT 16 by Steve Reynolds

OUTPUT 16 by Steve Reynolds

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What is OUTPUT? . . . OUTPUT is a monthly book of primarily card magic with a focus on classic and off-beat effects and methods. This is Steve’s outlet for his ongoing OUTPUT of unique magic, with contributions from his magic friends. There is always a heavy dose of Marlo, with a focus on Ed’s unpublished work. Steve brings his extensive knowledge to the task and so OUTPUT often features a deep-dive history from the 1950’s-1990’s, connecting the dots to the Marlo library.

                30 pages - 10 x 7 Perfect Bounding - Full Color Photos


Happenchance (Ed Oschmann) 

A Letter to Vyn Boyer (Marlo)                     

         Multiple Shift to Break 

         Solution to E.F. Aces 

Marlo’s Stop Trick For Daley: A Speculation 

Total Con Multiple Shift (Reynolds) 

The Boyer Notebooks 

Another Letter to Vyn Boyer (Marlo) 

         Sudo Centers 

Invisible Poker Deal (Reynolds) 

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