Apocalypse Now! Season 4
Episode 31: "Ahoy There!" by Phil Goldstein From Apocalypse - Vol. 4, No. 4 - April 1981, Page 474
Episode 32: "Tell-Tale Deck" by Richard Vollmer From Apocalypse Vol. 13, No. 12 - December, 1990
Episode 33: "To Tell the Truth?" by Gerald Kosky From Apocalypse Vol. 1, No. 6 - June, 1978
Episode 34: "The Impossible Catch" by Danny Korem From Apocalypse Vol. 4, No. 5 - May, 1981 - Features an interview with Harry where he talks about his memory aid books.
Episode 35: "Bingo" by Tom Daugherty From Apocalypse Vol. 17, No. 5 - May, 1994
Episode 36: "Royal Flush Mini-Stack" by Paul Swinford From Apocalypse Vol. 18, No. 3 - March, 1995 - Includes a bonus interview with Harry Lorayne, where he talks about the genesis of his book, "Close Up Card Magic."
Episode 37: "Minus Math" By Kevin Moran From Apocalypse Vol. 17, No. 10 - October, 1994 - Also, Harry talks about his friendship with Stephen Sondheim.
Episode 38: "No Get Ready Color Change" by Ori Ashkenazy From Apocalypse Vol. 12, No. 6 - June, 1989 - Features an interview with Ori Ashkenazi about his "No Get Ready Color Change."
Episode 39: "Quarter to Seven" by Zalman Puchkoff & Harry Lorayne From Apocalypse Vol. 11, No. 9 - September, 1988 - Includes an interview with Zalman Puchkoff!
Episode 40: "Variant Every Fourth" by Doug Edwards From Apocalypse Vol. 17, No. 11 - November, 1984 - As a bonus, Harry tells the story of how he impressed a group of famous magicians that he calls "The Triumvirate".